Death of the Tick Mark: How to Prevent Internal Audit Becoming Obsolete

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“Traditional auditors are barreling towards obsolescence and most don’t even realize it.”
Those were the words from an analyst at one of the world’s leading enterprise technology analysis firms. Her argument was twofold: 
  • Auditors are rarely focused on the problems that really matter 

  • Auditors are being systematically replaced by automation as big-data technologies continue to advance 

It’s an aggressive stance, but it also helps show how auditors can prevent becoming obsolete by asking -- and answering -- two critical questions:  

  1. Do auditors need to do what we’ve always done? 

Nobody cares about your detailed working papers — if they did, then why are auditors the only ones creating them? Why are auditors writing reports, when it’s metrics that management actually cares about? 

  1. Have we truly embraced the possibilities that technology now offers? 

In other words, are we approaching day-to-day activities in the most impactful, repeatable and efficient ways possible? 

Download this insightful eBook to learn more.