Top Considerations for Goal-Tracking Software

Lena Eisenstein
5 min read

Successful and efficient boards know that the forming and implementing of strategic plans is necessary for effective governance. Goal-tracking software can be used to assign and link meeting agenda items to specific goals, track goal progress and share goal information with public constituents.

Goal-tracking software can vary in features and capabilities. It is important to know the needs of your board and district in order to assess whether the software you choose will meet those needs. It is equally important to research what capabilities are available in various software programs to ensure that you are getting the most necessary features and support out of your goal-tracking software.

The goal-tracking software by BoardDocs, a Diligent brand, allows every board member to view a dashboard indication of the progress made toward each goal in the strategic plan every time a board member or administrator logs on to the board portal. The dashboard converts strategic plan goals into measurable actions and allows board members to view time expenditures related to those action items, then share the progress with the community.

What are some important functions and capabilities to look for when researching goal-tracking software for your board? Highlighted below are some qualities that may be most useful to your board's experience with goal-tracking software.

Establishing Goals

First, board members will want to set up customized goals from the district's strategic plan that they would like to follow and measure in the goal-tracking software. It is imperative that the goal-tracking function allow for specific information to be entered regarding goals related to the board's strategic plan.

With BoardDocs' goal-tracking software, when setting up the initial goal, there is a public content area for a summary of the goal and to list what the board and the district hope to accomplish. Then, the board can go into greater detail regarding the goal, like action items, reports and linking related files or documents.

Measuring Goals

The ability to measure goal progress through goal-tracking software is imperative. Not only does this provide board members, administrators and public constituents with awareness regarding the progress of the district, but it saves time and money in assessing the progress made on goals. Each goal should be broken down into the steps that need to be taken to reach the objective.

BoardDocs' goal-tracking software generates and continuously updates an indicator of progress toward each goal in the strategic plan. This invaluable information does no good, though, if no one reads it. As the goal-tracking capability comes bundled with board portal software, a visual display of progress toward each goal can appear each time a board member or administrator accesses the portal.

With BoardDocs' goal-tracking software, boards can set a measurable matrix that will let you know a percentage regarding the completion rate of the goal. The matrix should describe what it looks like for the goal to be 100% complete, and the board can break that down by varying percentages and note the number of action items that need to be taken for the goal to be completed.

Through goal-tracking software, board members should have the ability to actively track goal progress with related dates to know when progress toward the goal began and when tasks/actions are completed. Goal-tracking in BoardDocs not only provides this active tracking, but also shows dates for reports given regarding the goal or dates for completed action items.

Tracking Time Related to Goals

Tracking the time spent on goal-related business is imperative. Knowing the amount of time spent on goal progress can inform the board of any changes that need to be made regarding future actions or plans regarding the goal.

BoardDocs' goal-tracking software allows for individuals to track time spent on goal-related activities, whether it be by a board member, teacher or administrator. To record the time as goal-related business, the individual (teacher, administrator, etc.) will need training. This training typically takes a weekend. Individuals will learn how to enter their daily calendars into the system so that business and activities are sorted according to goals.

Agenda Items

Board agendas will regularly feature updates regarding goals related to the district's strategic plan. Leveraging board portal software that can link goal-related items into the agenda can save a lot of time and effort in creating the agenda and gathering related materials.

Utilizing BoardDocs' goal-tracking and agenda creation capabilities, boards can attach goals and supporting documents or files when creating the agenda. Using this function, goals can automatically be generated into agenda items and boards can easily select what pertinent information or documents should be linked to share. More than one goal can be linked to the agenda.

Sharing Goal Progress

By leveraging BoardDocs' goal-tracking software, board members can connect the work of the district and administrators to the goals set in the strategic plan. Linking the goals of the board to the administrators' work provides transparency and open communication with the community.

BoardDocs' goal-tracking software can be used to communicate strategic plans through a "share" button to convey goal progress via email and/or social media. When progress is being made or the goal has been completed, the board can then share a link to the goal page in BoardDocs to see goal materials that are publicly available for viewing.

Utilizing goal-tracking software that provides features to publicly share specific goal information related to progress allows for transparency in an effortless, but organized, way.

Other Uses for Goal-Tracking Software

Goal-tracking software can have more than one use, furthering its productivity and usefulness. In preparation for the superintendent's evaluation, the administrator can utilize the goal-tracking software as a reporting tool.

The superintendent can also build goals that they can connect to tasks and the agenda into evaluations. These goals can be set to public or private. The superintendent can also highlight these items in the evaluation or review those goals with the cabinet in their evaluations.

When selecting goal-tracking software for your board, it is important to look at all the services and support offered through the software. Is it user-friendly? How can goal-tracking through the software be linked to agendas? What security or privacy customizations are available for goal-tracking? Can the software be utilized in more than one way?

BoardDocs' cloud-based services provide goal-tracking software for user interaction and customization. Utilizing tools, like the goal-tracking software that BoardDocs provides, can save organizations time and money. BoardDocs features an interactive tool that connects the work that your board does to goals that you have set forth in an organized way.