After a storied career at Johnson & Johnson, Doug Chia brings to the show a corporate secretary's perspective on board disclosures, board appointments, and short-termism.
Board Disclosures
In our recent
Board Performance Review panel, institutional investors expressed frustrations with not being able to see behind closed doors to evaluate a board's operating effectiveness. Doug Chia, now the executive director at
The Conference Board's Governance Center, addresses investor frustrations with transparency and whether board disclosures are a valuable option.
Board Qualifications & Appointments
At the beginning of the episode, Chia takes a critical look at a board member's
actual job description. Until there's a common understanding of board member qualifications, the board selection process will continue to be a point of contention, he says.
Concerns Over Short-Termism
Today's public company managers are under pressure to maximize short-term profits-a mentality that endangers a company's future profitability. In a recent report,
Is Short-Term Behavior Jeopardizing the Future Prosperity of Business?, The Conference Board takes a look at both the drivers and the solutions.