What Is Global Governance Software?

Nicholas J Price
5 min read
Global enterprises require a wide-scope perspective of governance. Managing multiple entities requires managing and mitigating a complex set of risks and liabilities. Operational efficiency and oversight across operations are essential to corporate success. As organizations grow more complex and regulations become more stringent, the scope of governance responsibilities for board members increases.

Because of the enormous responsibilities that board members in today's society have, they need to pull out all the stops and take advantage of every bit of information and every tool they have at their disposal to ensure the success of the corporation.

Fortunately, technology has advanced in ways that have provided indispensable software solutions for global entities. Diligent Corporation is an industry leader in enterprise governance management software and the company is dedicated to continuing to innovate new solutions to meet the governance needs of today and of the future.

Global Governance Software as a Tool for Entity Management

Diligent Corporation developed a suite of board governance tools for boards of corporations of all sizes. Beginning with a highly secure board portal system as the base tool for managing board meetings, Diligent added more solutions to enhance efficiency for all board activities. The software solutions that compose Governance Cloud form an ecosystem of products designed especially for corporate boards. The tools that compose Governance Cloud unify all board activities under one platform.

Governance Cloud helps boards monitor and ensure compliance for all global entities. The convenience of having remote access without sacrificing security allows board directors to be on top of their game at all times. Governance Cloud puts all the information in front of the board ' whenever and wherever they need to access it.

Entity management requires the need for customization. With the Diligent Boards platform, board administrators have granular control over accessibility, which is vital for the security of all operations.

Something that makes Diligent Corporation an industry leader is that the company's software designers are continually designing governance tools that serve boards now and for the future. Corporate leaders are busy individuals who are always on the go. They rely heavily on electronic devices to tend to their board business inside the office and when they're traveling or working remotely.

Diligent Corporation invests heavily in research and development so they can continually work on creating solutions for legal, governance and compliance matters. Diligent Corporation keeps its finger on the pulse of current governance issues. Software solutions help boards manage their board duties for the present as well as for the long term. Diligent plans to continue investing funds for research and development of governance management software products.

Product developers are already working on the next generation of products and enhancements. Diligent will continue to fund a robust research and development team to continue meeting the needs of today's board directors and those of the future.

Over 2,200 clients in over 140 countries put their trust in Diligent's platform. Diligent representatives have offices conveniently located around the world, including in the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Australia, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates. Diligent provides products for 30 of the Fortune 100 companies and for ASX 50 clients.

Governance Cloud Is Global Governance Software

Imagine having the ability to toss out all labor-intensive paper processes in favor of a set of digital software solutions that are fully integrated with each other and that are contained within one highly secure platform. Governance Cloud helps boards fulfill their responsibilities accurately and efficiently. Here's a closer look at how the platform works:

Diligent Boards

Diligent Boards is a board portal with unlimited, cloud-based document storage. Boards can use this platform to put together electronic board books, which saves vast amounts of time and paper. In addition, Diligent Boards has features to manage contacts, calendars and action items for meetings. For highly confidential meetings or mergers and acquisitions, boards can use the portal as a virtual data room.

Director and Officer Questionnaires

Board directors sometimes put off completing their Director and Officer Questionnaires because they take precious time to complete. Diligent streamlines this process by using information entered in previous years and allowing board directors to file the documents online. It also makes it easy for the responsible individual to see who has followed through with submitting their forms and with whom they need to follow up.

Board Evaluations

The Board Evaluations tool digitizes the process for annual board self-evaluations. Boards can easily set up various types of questions and save the formats from year to year. The board administrator can set up electronic deadlines and monitor the completion of each evaluation.

Resolutions and Voting

Voting and approving resolutions are regular board activities. The voting and resolutions tool is an electronic voting program that assists board directors in quickly making decisions on action items and resolutions while enabling them to see the results in real time.

Diligent Messenger

Diligent Messenger answers the call for a secure communications program where board directors can communicate with each other at any time and in any setting without the worry of being hacked or scammed. Board directors can set their accounts to get notifications on various devices and the messages are conveniently time-stamped. Directors can even retrieve messages they may have sent in error.

Diligent Minutes

Taking board meeting minutes by hand is a labor-intensive process that often leads to inaccuracy. Taking minutes is a legal requirement that boards need to get right. Diligent Minutes integrates seamlessly with Diligent Boards to create professional-looking minutes within a short time after the end of a meeting.

The secretary can attach files to the minutes and assign tasks during the meeting, making the task of creating meeting minutes faster and more efficient.

Entity Management

Diligent saw the need for board directors to be able to use one platform for all entity-related information. The Entity Management tool is global governance software that provides a single source for all entity-related information where boards can use various processes and workflows to help them review and measure data across the board.

All the products that comprise Governance Cloud work together to help boards perform their duties accurately and completely while upholding good governance principles.