08:00 – 08:35: Light Breakfast

08:35– 08:55: Opening Keynote | Leading with Purpose

With the purpose of organisations under pressure and shifting, cyber and geopolitical risk ever-increasing and regulations mounting, how can UK organisations approach to governance, risk, compliance, audit, and ESG build resilience for today and the future?

09:00 – 10:00: Panel Discussion | Good Governance Driven by Data: The Answer to Surviving Business Shocks?


  • Liam Healy, moderator, SVP, MD Int, Diligent
  • Tracey Brady, Partner, Governance & Subsidiary Mgmt, KPMG
  • Ezekiel Ward, Managing Director North Star Compliance Ltd.
  • Clara Durodie, Board Member, Speaker, Author, Investor

Businesses evolved and modern governance is a new imperative. C-suite needs to have a detailed view of the microenvironment of their business if it’s to remain agile and robust. Join this conversation and hear from a panel of experts who will discuss:

  • Discuss the evolution of governance since 2020 through a lens of today’s geopolitical macroeconomic challenges, such as political tensions, supply chain, cyber risk, inflation, and globalization & human resources
  • Discuss ways of future-proofing governance strategies to build resilience for what comes next.
  • How to create a risk culture within the organisation &  encourage best practices in third-party risk management, IT and cyber risk, internal audit and regulatory compliance
  • Discuss how organisations can reduce the risks associated with staff turnover and other people related risks
  • Define the role of data and insights within the company to brace for current and future shocks

10:00 – 10.20:  Refreshments Break & Product Showcase

10:20 – 11:20: Panel Discussion | Modern Governance: Navigating New Areas of Risk, Ethics & Compliance


  • Amanda Carthy, MD ESG & DI
  • Ruth Knox, ESG Partner, Kirkland
  • Anna Daroy, CEO & NED
  • Michael Rasmussen, GRC Analyst

For businesses, staying abreast of the constantly shifting risk landscape presents unique challenges. It is vital to ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate the cost of risks (e.g. average cost of a data breach is reported at £3.6M),  ensure reputational prosperity and company growth.

Join this conversation and hear from a panel of experts across governance, risk, compliance, and ESG, who will discuss:

  • How companies can proactively address strategic threats arising from geopolitical risks & the shifting risk landscape
  • How companies can stop stumbling on compliance issues and remove internal silos to embrace the future of risk culture
  • Defining key regulatory changes coming into force (such as UK SOX & TCFD), and how businesses can best prepare
  • The role of data and insights to navigate areas of risk, ethics & compliance

11.20 – 11.40: Refreshments Break & Product Showcase

11:40 – 12:40: Panel Discussion| Unlocking the ROI of Modern Governance


  • Dan Zitting, CPSO, Diligent
  • David Crowther, SVP Corp & Gov – Paysafe
  • Beatriz Araujim, Head of Corp Gov, Baker & McKenzie LLP,

With all of the shocks happening in the UK’s macro-environment, businesses are focused on growth. Leaders are navigating and continue to focus on sustaining growth and improving cash flow, EBITDA, shareholder returns, and more, to enhance the company’s current financial position.

Leaders are having to look at trade-offs in their budgets in line with their company’s current financial standing. Justifying budget allocations and business investments in technology is necessary. Proving out the ROI is a must with projected financial returns achieved and added-value realised.

This panel will discuss:

  • When & how to justify technology investment
  • Quantifying the impact technology has made
  • How to ensure the ROI is measured, tracked and returns increased

12:45 – 13:00: Closing Remarks 

13:00 – 13:45: Buffet Lunch

13:45: 15:00: Product Showcases