Diligent esg

Stay Ahead on ESG

No matter where you are on your ESG journey, simplify data collection, benchmarking and reporting with an auditable ESG platform that scales with you. 

  • Map your ESG data against a variety of standards including SASB, GRI, TCFD, CDP and WEF
  • Easily pull ESG data from systems of record, surveys and spreadsheets across your organisation using workflows, reminders and robotic automation
  • Track your ESG progress against your peers and competitors

Easily Map & Benchmark Data

Compile ESG data from across your organisation into one centralised platform.

  • Get a complete picture of your ESG data, without duplications or gaps
  • Map your ESG data against always-updated standards including SASB, GRI, TCDF, WEF, CDP – and against your own internal frameworks
  • Benchmark progress across executive compensation and public perception monitoring

Automate & Scale ESG Activities

Streamline and save time on ESG processes across the entire organisation. Continuously evaluate risk, test controls and monitor compliance with robotic process automation specifically designed to integrate and analyse your ESG data.
  • Automatically assign tasks, deploy and monitor questionnaires and assessments, send requests and follow-ups, and track progress against goals – all in a few clicks
  • Select from preconfigured ESG workflows or build your own 
  • Enable real-time alerts that monitor third-party risk, so you can address any issues before they become a problem
Quickly Report on ESG Progress

Collect data once, then report on it in customisable configurations. Always accurate, always auditable.

  • Easily integrate ESG data from multiple internal systems and manual data sources
  • Ensure consistent data disclosure across various stakeholders and frameworks
  • Provide executives and board members with visual storyboards and dashboards for quick consumption and quick action

Comprehensive Climate & Sustainability Functionality

Streamline energy, carbon, water, waste and transport data collection and reporting across the entire supply chain. Set and monitor KPIs, identify red flags early, and generate auditable disclosures.

  • Get instant greenhouse gas calculations based on 62,000 automatically updated emissions factors
  • Conduct operational-level analysis on a machine-by-machine basis across multiple sites
  • Thoroughly analyse your water usage and waste water treatment impact
  • Standardise the measurement and reporting of global waste and disposal
  • See an aggregated view of global transport and commuting data
  • Help suppliers achieve their sustainability targets and goals
Don’t Get Left Behind on ESG
Streamline ESG data collection. Track and benchmark advancements. Automate ESG tasks. Create customisable, audit-ready reports. See Diligent ESG in action today.

Related Insights & Resources

An important step is moving ESG beyond reporting into overall strategy. Begin with a reporting framework: the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Three oil and gas giants now face exponentially increased carbon reduction targets, a radically expanded scope of climate change efforts, and activists joining the board.
Not only does automation make ESG reporting easier, but it also aids organisations in catching errors, conflicts, and misalignments before they become larger problems.
Barbara Berlin, Managing Director at PwC’s Governance Insights Center, shares key insights from PwC’s recent guide, ESG Oversight: The Corporate Director’s Guide.