Build Responsive Agendas in Minutes
Allow contributors to securely access and edit documents at any time, instantly updating attendees with the latest revisions
Accommodate Last Minute Changes
Allow contributors to securely access and edit documents at any time, instantly updating attendees with the latest revisions
Keep Meetings on Track
View your agenda in a Microsoft Teams meeting during your meeting and track how much time is left to discuss each agenda item, notifying speakers who are next-in-line
Board Portal Buyer's Guide
The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Create Agendas With A Click Of A Button
  • Customize agendas based on your board book or copy previous meeting structures to quickly build your meeting agenda
  • Refresh agendas with any changes and instantly distribute updates to board members
  • Hyperlink all reference materials to the relevant item on the agenda for use during the meeting
Securely Collate Meeting Documentation
  • Assign internal or external contributors to upload documents directly into the agenda
  • View the status of all uploaded content and set up automated reminders to contributors
  • Reversion documents at any time prior to the meeting, retaining any notes already made by directors
  • Benefit from the security of encrypted, privately stored documentation
Proactively Manage Meetings in Progress
  • View your agenda within your Microsoft Teams meeting window
  • Track the time left to discuss individual items on your agenda, alerting participants of any issues
  • Identify the individual contributors next in line so they are prepared to speak as the meeting progresses
This is where Text3 goes
Enhance Your Board & Leadership Processes
Upgrading to Diligent boosts efficiency for boards, committees and executive teams.
See Board & Leadership Collaboration in action.

Learn More About Our Board Management Software

Simplify the production of meeting minutes and avoid version control issues by collaborating with teams on a centralized document.
Access and share the information you need for your next meeting in one place on the most secure Board portal available.

Related Insights & Resources

Far from being just another piece of administration, a well-crafted structured board meeting agenda template can be a critical tool to ensure successful board meetings.
The responsibility for setting the board meeting agenda of a board meeting should be taken by the chairman with the help of the company secretary.

Board management is an art: your board oversees the direction of your organization, but who oversees the efficiency and effectiveness of your board?