Automate Manual Processes
  • Build your own online surveys and questionnaires to canvas opinion, eliminating paperwork without compromising your ability to track, trace and provide evidence of compliance
  • Generate a variety of question types and response formats including text, lists, tables and dates, using drag and drop capabilities to duplicate questions where required
  • View completion statistics and results at a glance and set automated reminders to directors who are yet to respond
Save Time Without Sacrificing Compliance
  • Automatically pre-fill responses for review and sign-off based on past D&O answers, simplifying the process and saving valuable time
  • Provide an intuitive workflow for board members, centralizing all board related materials including board books and committee materials on one secure portal
  • Maintain better oversight by regulating access to questionnaires, and through seeing who's opened, started or completed the questionnaire
Enhance Your Board & Leadership Processes
Upgrading to Diligent boosts efficiency for boards, committees and executive teams.
See Board & Leadership Collaboration in action.

Learn More About Our Board Management Software

Seamlessly create, update and share agendas. Assign contributors or action items and set automated prompts for follow up.
Simplify the production of meeting minutes and avoid version control issues by collaborating with teams on a centralized document.

Related Insights & Resources

The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Corporate directors navigated a range of challenges – disrupted supply chains, increase in cyber attacks, investor pressures on ESG, the ‘War on Talent’ – either stemming from or accelerated by the pandemic.
Board management is an art: your board oversees the direction of your organization, but who oversees the efficiency and effectiveness of your board?