Cut Through the Noise
  • Set customizable, sophisticated searches by company, industry and an increasing number of corporate governance topics
  • Search over 90,000 online media sources including vetted media, news publications and social channels
  • Leverage Diligent’s expertise to create personalized searches that meet your board’s specific needs
Leverage AI to Prioritize Relevant Industry News for Your Leaders
  • Utilize our AI powered sentiment analysis to quickly analyze positive and negative news stories relating to selected companies and industries
  • Filter news by topic such as: management, finance, operations, products and services or partners
  • Generate email alerts based on your search preference, enabling your board to read less and learn more

Learn More About Our Board Education Solution

Give new board members everything they need to get started without wasting time collating disparate information from multiple locations.
Diligent CCO's Master Class
Explore our one-of-a-kind program that provides actionable advice and frameworks for today’s compliance leaders.

Related Insights & Resources

The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Corporate directors navigated a range of challenges – disrupted supply chains, increase in cyber attacks, investor pressures on ESG, the ‘War on Talent’ – either stemming from or accelerated by the pandemic.
Board management is an art: your board oversees the direction of your organization, but who oversees the efficiency and effectiveness of your board?