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Board Portal Buyer's Guide
The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Leverage Legally Binding DocuSign Technology
  • Digitally sign a document from any device, anywhere in the world, leveraging DocuSign technology to create legally binding contracts
  • Collect multiple signatures for a single document, from legal counsel to directors and executives on one centralized system
  • Authenticate signatures with a digital timestamp and the fingerprint of the signatory
Simplify the Voting Process
  • Push vote notifications to all required parties, customizing responses to for/against or yes/no
  • Enable participants to vote anonymously or transparently directly from the dashboard homepage, collecting and tallying results in real-time
  • Assign comments or notes to the results once complete for tracking purposes

Learn More About Our Board Collaboration Solution

Keep confidential information away from unsecured channels and hold urgent conversations between board members on sensitive topics in a fully encrypted, user friendly portal.
Share information and collaborate in real-time with authorized internal or external parties on sensitive and confidential documentation from any device, anywhere.

Related Insights & Resources

The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Corporate directors navigated a range of challenges – disrupted supply chains, increase in cyber attacks, investor pressures on ESG, the ‘War on Talent’ – either stemming from or accelerated by the pandemic.
Board management is an art: your board oversees the direction of your organization, but who oversees the efficiency and effectiveness of your board?