Instant Access to a Content Rich Database
  • Gain insights from over 8 million standard public and SEC filings, including: DEF 14A (Proxy Statement), 10-K and 8-K
  • Search our global database for corporate governance by-laws, press releases, annual meetings, annual reports and 4,000 ESG reports.
Identify Governance Trends With Advanced Search Functionality
  • Search by keyword or phrase to quickly locate the specific information you need for your disclosures and governance practices
  • Use a broad range of customizable filters including year, region, index, sector or indicator
  • Create unique, tailor-made peer groups to benchmark against and research key initiatives to identify any missed opportunities
Uncover Governance & Disclosure Best Practices
  • Create specific peer groups to quickly search across multiple relevant organizations
  • Conduct deep analysis on companies that are disclosing information on sustainability, human capital management and other ESG policies
  • Receive real-time email alerts on changes and updates from peers or competitors

Learn More About Our Board Benchmarking Solution

Using Diligent’s patented technology, instantly review over 90,000 news and social media sites
Diligent CCO's Master Class
Explore our one-of-a-kind program that provides actionable advice and frameworks for today’s compliance leaders.

Proactively design and benchmark your plans ahead of your AGM

Related Insights & Resources

The right board management software can improve governance and board efficiencies while allowing board members to collaborate within a secure platform.
Corporate directors navigated a range of challenges – disrupted supply chains, increase in cyber attacks, investor pressures on ESG, the ‘War on Talent’ – either stemming from or accelerated by the pandemic.
Board management is an art: your board oversees the direction of your organization, but who oversees the efficiency and effectiveness of your board?