Financial Services Industry

Board Portal Software for Financial Services

Diligent helps financial services institutions - and their boards - navigate the increasingly complex challenges of the ‘new world’ and digitalise their organisations for success.

Read the guide below to drive better risk management, compliance and overall organisational resilience.

Drive Digital Resilience

The pandemic accelerated the digital transformation for many financial organisations. The conversation now, however, is how these organisations can shift from fast-paced digital growth to sustainable digitalisation and boards can foster a culture of resilience.

  • Aligning strategy with technological advancement for resilience
  • Enabling strategic operational risk management
  • The board’s ability to tackle modern challenges
  • Adopting a clear approach to regulatory compliance

Know Which Steps to Take

With evolving global regulations, new emerging risks and changing ESG demands, governance in the financial services industry is highly complex. Digitising governance practices can create a robust framework to mitigate to risks and be more effective in the overall business approach, but it’s important to choose the right digital governance solution which lets financial institutions hit key targets.

  • Solutions that transform processes smoothly, securely and allow visibility
  • Enabling strategic operational risk management
  • Enable quick responses and secure communication
  • Build up organisational resilience
Create Value for Your Organisation

By investing in modern governance services today, financial service institutions ensure they are prepared to tackle future challenges. Modern governance is a multi-pronged system which will allow institutions to become more robust in key areas of management. These include:

  • Mitigating future risks.
  • Driving sustainable growth.
  • Building resilience.

Diligent helps Catholic Super Navigate the Storm
During merger meetings, Catholic Super overhauled outdated practices and brought in Diligent solutions to navigate the complicated process of the high-level board meetings.

Modernise your board
Recently, a major financial services provider implemented Diligent’s modern governance solutions. This case study highlights how modern governance has allowed the financial institution to create a structure more aligned with the needs of today.
  • Security enhancement
  • Greater Transparency
  • Ease in access to information
Man and Woman Looking at IPad
ESG risks for banks and financial institutions might not be as obvious as those for mining or construction companies. Yet, these risks are mission-critical, and require diligent and informed board oversight.
Sustainable finance is now a key area of focus for investors and financial regulators, largely due to the increasing importance of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. However, before committing to sustainable finance, it's important that organisations take the time to truly take a deep dive into what it entails and how it impacts the institution.
Future boards will increasingly be confronted with challenges related to the non-financial sectors of operation. Understanding that a new approach is required to create boards which can successfully navigate these challenges is essential.
  • Shift focus on understanding ESG risks
  • Reshape the boardroom to represent greater diversity
  • Adopt a lens of ethics while navigating complex social issues
Boardroom culture will play a huge role in determining how effective boards are in the future. To make sure that the organisational culture leads to greater productivity and strategic vision, it’s important that the board’s cultural values reflect the wider societal values and dynamics.
  • Boardroom culture is built around transparency
  • Diversity in vision and experience
  • Allows greater opportunity for generational representation
The pandemic has not only exposed organisations to the risks of today but has also highlighted how important it is to anticipate future disruptions and crises. Strategic vision will be key to tackling risks in the future.
  • Rethinking the perception surrounding ‘threats’
  • Understanding the most pressing social issues for the future
  • Avoiding corporate failure

Learn About Diligent Solutions for Rio Tinto Staff Superannuantion Fund

The Rio Tinto Staff Superannuation Fund integrated Diligent’s collaboration software solution to automate its complex board preparation process. The solution enabled the mining giant’s super fund to cut down weeks worth of labour and allowed it to go paperless in a secure way.
  • The learning curve of automating
  • The advantages of going paperless
  • Data security

"Diligent Boards has been so transformational for our organisation that I’d recommend it wholeheartedly to any organisation still doing it by paper. It’s a fantastic solution"

Brett Grant
Fund Secretary 
Rio Tinto Superannuation Fund

How Financial Services Boards Stay Ahead

Modern governance is the practice of empowering leaders with technology, insights and processes to fuel good governance that finance businesses require to thrive and endure in today's fast paced world.

Modern Governance

Leader in providing financial services institutions with the right technology, insights and analytics to improve governance and stay ahead of the speed of business

Adoptability & Functionality

A product that is available across every device and operating system that is easy to use, intuitive and is supported by on-site, one to one training sessions to ensure your organisation is prepared to meet today's modern governance challenges.


Diligent's products are backed by the world's leading security standards with secure data centres located within your region or country.

Discover why over 250,000 users from 1,500 organisations use Diligent
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