How Digitally Savvy Directors Are Impacting Corporate Strategy

Inside Americas Boardrooms
In the age of the digital consumer, B2C companies are attempting to find the secret formula to increasing product sales. Boards have begun to recognize the value that a digitally savvy director can bring to their corporate growth strategy. Digital natives like Caroline Tsay represent the corporate director of the future. In this episode, Tsay discusses her role serving as chair of the board's Enterprise Strategy Committee. Sometimes called the Innovation Committee, the Strategy Committee is focused on reviewing and evaluating long-term company strategy, which includes everything from growth opportunities and product innovation to digital marketing. As more companies undergo digital transformations, Tsay explains how next-generation directors can offer valuable insight to corporate boards on topics like big data, hiring talent, or consumer demographics. Since the filming of this episode, Caroline Tsay joined the boards of Morningstar, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company, and she left the board of Travelzoo.
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