Three Skill Sets Critical to Today's Board Committee Chairs

Inside Americas Boardrooms

Board leadership positions have evolved drastically over the past several years. The role of the compensation committee has been complicated by Say on Pay and other Dodd-Frank regulations, while nominating & governance committees are receiving increased pressure from institutional investors on issues like board composition and evaluations.

In this episode, Hope Taitz (Chair of the Nominating & Governance Committee for Diamond Resorts International) draws on her current and previous experience chairing several board committees to answer the question: What does it take to be an effective board chair?

Taitz shares her philosophy for on-boarding and mentoring new directors. She also discusses the importance of attracting directors with multidisciplinary experience to serve across various committees. Ultimately, Taitz arrives at three essential skill sets for the committee chairs of today and tomorrow-a position that requires a life-long-learning mentality.

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