support strategic growth

Make Expansion Easy

Position yourself for growth opportunities with a centralised corporate record.

  • Spot and quickly act on merger, acquisition and divestiture opportunities
  • Eliminate due diligence inefficiencies and easily raise reports
  • Identify noncompliance and data inconsistencies that could slow growth

See how Entity & Subsidiary Management from Diligent supports strategic growth initiatives. 

Position Your Company for Growth

Centralising your corporate record makes everything easier – and quicker. Simplify reporting and data retrieval, so you can make the right decisions at the right time.

  • Automate approval processes for faster sign-off
  • Leverage current and historical entity records when creating new entities
  • Turn complex operations into step-by-step processes

Be Prepared for Any Opportunity

Preparation is key when it comes to growing your company. Whether you’re a private company looking to make an exit or an established organisation looking to expand, be sure to have the right tools in place.

  • Utilise cap table management and waterfall analysis to prevent dilution, retain ownership and raise capital for your next stage of growth
  • Stay ahead of filings with a compliance calendar
  • Simplify due diligence with clear audit trails
Simplify Corporate Integration
Corporate integration doesn’t have to be difficult. Plan for the impact of growth activities on your corporate structure – everything from geographic expansion to joint ventures. After a merger or acquisition, easily centralise data from registered agents, accounting or HR systems, and other third parties.
Keep Deals Moving Quickly

Streamline due diligence by inviting investors, legal teams and other permissioned third parties to a secure virtual data room.

  • Easily share data and documents for discussion, review and signature, without version-control issues
  • Save time and money by eliminating data room fees, deal-related printing, shipping and travel
  • Protect confidential information with granular and instantly revokable user permissions
Be Ready for Every Opportunity
Don’t let inefficiencies and outdated processes hinder growth. 
See Entity & Subsidiary Management from Diligent in action today. 


How Eaton Makes the Most of Strategic Opportunities

$22B power management company Eaton is a complex organisation that has grown both organically and through acquisitions. They required a central space to store all their corporate data. Diligent Entities saved Eaton significant time by allowing cross-departmental, permissioned access to corporate information such as lists of signatories and company addresses.

Related Features

Single Source of Truth
Centralise your corporate record and rely on a single source of truth for entity, subsidiary and business unit information. 
Efficiency at Scale
Utilise automation to reduce administrative burdens and allow your team to operate more efficiently.
Collaboration & Self Service
Streamline data delivery and retrieval, so users can access the information they need, when they need it.

Related Insights & Resources

A centralised corporate record isn’t just an single source of truth. It’s a powerful asset for GCs, legal departments, risk and compliance officers, and others looking to take on a more strategic role within the organisation.
Strategic organic growth helps businesses pivot operations in a disruptive landscape, solidify their competitive advantage, and evolve products, operations, and markets for a shifting future. Discover how the general counsel (GC) can be a strategic advisor for organic growth—and the tools that can help.
When it comes to proxy season and responding to shareholder concerns, an important step is moving ESG beyond reporting into overall strategy. One place to begin is with a reporting framework: the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).   
Join us for “How to Achieve Global Growth at Scale” on September 29th at 11am ET to learn how to simplify your corporate record to support strategic growth and ensure compliance in different jurisdictions.